Afflelou klanten met Autokorting BBGR

5 Afflelou klanten met autokorting voor BBGR producten:

Hallo Allemaal,

Autokorting BBGR ok vanaf vandaag 2/06/2020 voor volgende klanten.

10085720 Opti Meo
10106160 Centre Belle ile
10506400 Arnoptic
10105790 Optic Waremme
10104960 Baudinet 

Op do 28 mei 2020 om 15:41 schreef Pierre-Yves LEONARD:
Can you make the modifications? 
58% on BBGr only, for the 5 clients listed below.
Le jeu. 28 mai 2020 à 13:10, Pierre-Yves LEONARD a écrit :
Dear all,
Following the technical issues of having a separate Afflelou catalog and the routing issues we currently have, I propose to:
  • Give a 58% discount to the 5 main Afflelou clients on the BBGR range only (Opti Meo, Centre Belle Ile, Arnoptic, Baudinnet, Waremme)
  • No price on the DN
  • Until end of June as a testing phase, to be continued if both parties agree
Next steps:
  • Financial impact to be verified by Jerome (first analysis shows no impact)
  • William to contact customers to get their agreement
  • If ok, then Nancy to put new discount in the system and Pedro to check that they all get no price on the DN
Best regards
Pierre-Yves Leonard+31 6 1501 4565