Stock Nikon

Stock Extension and Nikon (22/12/2019):


Then we can go full speed from January on... !
Thanks for this information.

Kind regards,
Hans Preneel
Sales manager

Pedro PERREMAN schreef op 22/12/2019: 
Dear Colleagues,
Not sure if it was already communicated, I will update on the finalization of this project.
Since two weeks, the stock extension for the BBGR finished stocklenses has been activated. Since last week, we activated also the Nikon local stockrange, looking for stock in the inventory of the BBGR lenses.
Both the warehouse people and the evening shift stockpickers have been informed of the way of working regarding repacking for Nikon saleslenses.
Since friday, we merged the existing Nikon finished stock in 1.6 (N60SCC) with the bbgr lenses (L6MXU) physically in one drawer. This was the last step to take.
We are full in business now with this project.

In case of remarks or questions, please don't hesitate...
Merry X-mas...Pedro

Project-Manager IT
Tel: +32 (0)3 870 37 58
Gsm: +32 (0)478 50 30 37